Sunday, 8 July 2012

What a weekend

Again life has been hectic here at number 74.  I just always seem to have a list of endless jobs to do, I don't know about you!  This week its been:-

1. fix the en suite leak
2. buy a new fridge freezer.
3. buy a new kettle
4. get storage for the caravan
5. make some knitted cakes for the fun day
6. make some jewellery
and on .......
    and on ........
       and on .....................

Just lately everything seems to have broken - our fridge freezer decided it wanted to freeze everything in the fridge so when I tried to make butties with rock hard butter I was not a happy bunny!!!! : (
Then the kettle decided it too, wanted to break and then to top it all off we had a leak in the bathroom every time the toilet was flushed.

Despite this we really did have a good weekend - Jake went to stay at his grandma's and I had a little "me" time at a local fun day selling some of my crafts.

It wasn't too busy but the weather stayed fine and that was a bonus as it has been horrible all week.  I had a new addition to the stall this time;

My new knitted cakes, I only ended up making four but they looked soooooooooooooo cute on my homemade cake stand.  Thanks to patchwork chickens for the lovely idea xxxx

Today was a nice "steady away" day, a bit of cleaning and tidying was done followed by some food shopping as diet starts Monday!!!!!  Both kiddies were in bed and asleep by 7pm so I am treating myself to a large glass of wine and a homemade rock cake.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend too : )   I have just made a list for my "jobs for the week" and look forward to filling you in with how I get along especially 4. make courgette cake <3


  1. Hi Wendy , your knitted cakes look mighty fine !!Sorry I didn't email you I thought It would be easier to blog the pattern . Hope you try the pattern it's quite a quick one to do .Have a lovely week ( I do hope nothing else breaks !!) Tracy x.

    1. Thanks Tracy - fingers crossed we have had our 3 things now! Will hopefully get some time this weekend to make cakes, lets hope that stops me from eating real ones!!!!!! Hope you have a good week too xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Your stall looks really pretty and inviting :)

    1. thanks hun, I think people do like it but it's just hard to justify spending on little extra's isn't it! x x Hopefully I will do well at Christmas when people are looking for presents
